
Cicely Hunscher

Recent Posts by Cicely Hunscher:

by Cicely Hunscher, on Jul 28, 2022 5:24:34 PM

Happy August everyone! We can’t believe how fast this summer has passed. In honor of back to school, and to hopefully liven your spirits as this amazing summer comes to …

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by Cicely Hunscher, on Jun 29, 2022 3:11:37 PM

To celebrate National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month, we’ve curated a list of films from our streaming platform in order to highlight minority voices. From documentary, to romantic films, this …

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by Cicely Hunscher, on May 24, 2022 1:20:57 PM

Since June and the official start to summer vacation is right around the corner, we wanted to provide some inspiring, feel-good, and educational films to entertain you for the start …

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by Cicely Hunscher, on May 11, 2022 1:49:35 PM

We are so excited to introduce to you one of the newest movies to be part of our streaming platform at iNDIEFLIX, "Sir Robin Knox-Johnston: Sailing Legend"! This movie was …

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by Cicely Hunscher, on May 2, 2022 2:38:31 PM

Happy August everyone! We can’t believe how fast this summer has passed. In honor of back to school, and to hopefully liven your spirits as this amazing summer comes to …

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by Cicely Hunscher, on Mar 22, 2022 12:53:26 PM

Scilla Andreen, founder and CEO of iNDIEFLIX, recently participated in SXSW Interactive. At the event, she met new thought-leaders, reconnected with old friends in the industry, and participated in two …

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